Good & Bad News…

Soooo… Yeah… There are some good news and bad news that needed to be announced…

Good news is that starting from Rebirth of the Malicious Empress of Military Lineage: Chapter 63, the length of each chapter will be significantly longer. To be exact it would be 3 – 5 times longer than usual and that means we can indulge in our Empress’s story for a much longer period each time…

BUT!!! Significantly longer chapters means much more time is required to translate so this brings us to the bad news…

The overall number of releases will be maintained (2 fixed & max 2 additional per week) but each long chapter will be divided into the max 3 parts/posts instead. This is due to the limited time I have for the translating (real world commitments *sigh*). However when the chapters are short (like the length of chap 1 – 62), then it would go back to 1 chapter 1 post.

Apologize for the changes and hope that you will still continue to support my translations… 😦

27 responses

  1. I don’t mind having the chapters split. I personally already find them long so if you’re splitting the even longer chapters, I’m glad! 😊
    Thank you so much for putting in so much time and effort into translating this novel 💜

    Liked by 2 people

  2. knew this will happened..hahaha..its ok..its not happened on ur blog only..mostly all translator do this..

    as a reader..same as u..have own commitment in real world..of coz its understandable..

    Liked by 1 person

  3. No problem ❤❤❤❤ you do so good at giving us this story that had made us love it thanks so much for your hard work and cannot wait for your updated 😍😍😍😍 hope everything works out for you 😋😋😋

    Liked by 1 person

  4. That sounds like good news and good news. It means that there would be more to the story and that you’re not giving up and are willing to continue translating (and at your current speed too!). Yayyy. Can’t thank you enough 😊!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Your comments are reassuring. As some of you probably noticed, the latest chapters are getting slightly longer.
    So zaza told me this measure was needed, otherwise we would end up haveing less timely updates.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Its all right. I’m basically a leecher and gosh I’m just thankful that there are translators like you who are awesome and patient enough to translate and share to us C-novels with amazing plots like this. Cause really if it wasn’t for you guys I won’t even be able to read this novel😭 I’m just thankful enough that you’ll be translating and not dropping this. Sigh…I really got a scared there…tbh, cause I thought you’ll go hiatus. Cliffies I can handle but hiatus ugh…that’s gonna be my death. Lol😂

    Liked by 2 people

  7. For a minute there, I thought you would be dropping the novel *heart stops* so I’m freeking glad that you will continue to translate at the same pace and we’ll have longer chappies too…yay! *claps wildly and jumps around like a crazy bean*

    I’m one of those silent stalkers on all these amazing c-novel translating blogs but I just had to commend you on your hardwork and dedication! *winks* The wonderful level of translation is a bonus *big smile*
    From all us fans, to all you amazing translators out there…for introducing us to all the fantastic c-novels and getting us addicted *big warm hugs*

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I know I’m reading this much later than it was released, but just let me say this … You seem to be really nice person, always responding comments and caring for your readers, i don’t mind the longer and split chapters , and i will follow your site now, not only because of the novels but because of you too. If I have a chance to contribute in the future I definitely will!


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